Hoodies are the common dress in the fall and winter either seperately or matched with shirts as an extra layer of clothing. People who like using their hooded sweatshirts as outer wear, but only have zipperless hoodies, will face some difficulties. However, hoodies without zippers can be changed by installing a zipper. It's easy for to add a zipper to a hooded sweatshirt. It will take one to two hours to add a zipper to a hoodie.
More Instructions
1), Fold a crease in the front of the hoodie and use a steam iron to iron it.
2), Cut and lay a strip of versatile fusible interfacing down the middle of the crease. Using the iron, steam the interfacing into place. Cut the interfacing with scissors.
3), Cut the sweatshirt down the middle of the interfacing with scissors, where the crease was ironed in. This will be where the zipper will be installed.
4), Use wonder tape to lay the zipper in place. One or two pins also can be used to install the zipper in place.
5), Use a sewing machine to sew the new zipper on, beginning from the bottom of the shirt to the top, for both sides. Be sure the zipper teeth are facing inward before sewing.

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